- We Offer Express Shipping 1-2 Buz days in Transit
- We Offer Ground shipping 2-7 Buz days In Transit
- $6.99 Letter Mail - No Tracking - 2-7 Business days
- Pick Up Offered - In Check Out for most locations
Production General Time Frame
- STOCK Transfers is 2-7 business days + Chosen Shipping
- STOCK Transfers w/ Gang Sheets 2-7 business days + Chosen Shipping
- 22" & 31" Wide Gang Sheets 1-2 business days+ Chosen Shipping.
- 12" Wide Gang Sheets 1-2 business day + Chosen Shipping.
- UV-DTF Gang Sheets 1-2 business day + Chosen Shipping.
- UV-DTF picked up is 5-7 business days / Including combined items
WANT IT FAST Pick 12" 22" 31" Gangsheets Only
Wholesale Printed Items Below
- Handmade signs general takes about 5 to 8 business days for retail
- Printed Garments WHOESALE is 7-10 business days most cases
- Large wholesale sign orders will take longer
- Business days do not include weekends of stat holidays
- All items are shipped the following day after the processing day
- Processing time can take longer + during busy times - ask if you have a time frame